
Developing agribusiness value chains in Africa isn't straightforward. At P3rsist, our agribusiness expertise Africa-wide spans over 15 years, offering real solutions to the hurdles you're facing. From sustainability challenges and supply chain complexities to manufacturing excellence and market strategies, we've not just consulted on these issues—we've lived them. Partner with us to navigate these challenges, utilizing our grounded insights for your success in the African agribusiness sector.

Sustainable supply chains

Developing sustainable supply chains, especially when engaging with smallholder farmers in Africa, is full of challenges. Our approach views sustainability not as a cost but as a pathway to profitability, with traceability as its backbone. Facing new EU supply chain regulations, it’s essential to stay informed and adaptable. Our agribusiness expertise in Africa offers a proven value chain strategy that connects smallholder farmers and cooperatives directly to factories and global markets. Our article on effective sourcing from smallholder farmers goes into further detail on the opportunities and challenges of co-developing sustainable value chains.

Manufacturing excellence

Mastering manufacturing in Africa demands ingenuity and adaptability. Our agribusiness expertise in Africa cuts through the complexity of inconsistent supply chains, local regulations, and operation optimization in remote areas. Specializing in lean manufacturing and engineering systems tailored for the African context, we aim to elevate your manufacturing operations to exceed client expectations. Read an interview with Managing Director Matthieu Vidal on how we helped Cocoasource develop their manufacturing business plan.

Accessing markets

For African agri-processors, market access is a complex puzzle where sustainability, traceability, and quality are critical pieces. It’s not just about having a premium product but demonstrating the sustainable journey from farm to factory and beyond. The challenge lies in aligning your processes with the rigorous demands of traceability and quality assurance that these markets command. Leveraging our deep understanding of these challenges, we offer strategic insights that can guide you through this process. Our expertise is in enabling you to tap into the full potential of your operations and connect with premium markets ready for sustainable products. Read our article on the fundamentals of an effective impact strategy for key insights.

Building resilience

Electricity outages for 12 hours a day, 7 days per week. Fuel shortages. The occasional coup d’état. Resilience for African agri-processors isn’t just a safety net; it’s a competitive edge. It’s also one of the key challenges for success. The ability to persist doesn’t only mean bouncing back—it means having the strength to continue without missing a beat. Our consultancy is dedicated to embedding such resilience into your operations. We help you identify the risks, strengthen your systems, and prepare strategies that ensure your business not only withstands challenges but thrives through them. Connect with us to ensure that your agri-business is built to last, no matter what.

From data to decisions

For African agribusiness, transparent business processes are not just about visibility, they’re about viability. Employee integrity issues, amplified by high poverty conditions, can seriously erode trust and the bottom line. Well-designed systems that enhance transparency help mitigate these risks, ensuring that cash flows and inventory are closely monitored and reconciled, reducing both opportunity and temptation for theft. Our expertise at P3rsist lies in crafting such robust processes, leveraging technology to safeguard assets, and turning data into actionable decisions that reinforce the integrity of your entire operation. Read more on transparent business processes here: Employee Integrity Challenges in African Agribusiness

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