
Welcome to our blog! Here you will find a diverse range of topics, from sustainable sourcing strategies to manufacturing excellence and expert opinions and personal anecdotes on running operations in complex environments. Our goal is to provide you with valuable information and insights that will inspire, educate, and entertain you. Whether you're an entrepreneur, C-level executive, an investor or active in global value chains in another capacity, you're sure to find something that speaks to you.

An image of a buffalo skull. This is what happens when business turnarounds fail.

Effective Business Turnarounds for African Agribusiness

Essential strategies and steps, focusing on analysis, stabilization, strategy, and execution.

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Sourcing from smallholder farmers: overcoming challenges

Effective strategies for sourcing from smallholder farmers.

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An image of Matthieu Vidal, Managing Director of Cocoasource.

Interview with Cocoasource MD Matthieu Vidal

Insights on the challenges of developing a business plan for rubber processing in Ivory Coast

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The Key Barrier to Scaling African Agribusinesses

Solutions to overcome key person risk, unlock finance, and create investable opportunities.

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Image of cogwheels and a compass representing strategy execution in African agribusiness

Mastering Strategy Execution in African Agribusiness

Applying insights from "Scaling Up" and "Great by choice" in challenging environments

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Empowering Smallholder Farmers: Market-Driven Development

The power of treating smallholder farmers as business partners instead of beneficiaries

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Impact Strategy for African Agribusiness: A Deep Dive

How African agribusiness can build winning impact strategies

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Agri-Processing Challenges in Africa: Key Insights

Exploring experience driven strategies and insights to overcome challenges.

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Employee Integrity Challenges in African Agribusiness

Exploring effective strategies to manage employee fraud.

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Seriously: animism and witchcraft in your business

How beliefs in animism and witchcraft impact your business and how to deal with it.

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Supporting your staff in high poverty environments

Understanding the challenges your people face and providing a support system. Our top five support measures.

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