
In African agribusiness, governance isn't just about oversight; it's navigating a terrain filled with specific risks and opportunities for meaningful impact. Our decade-plus experience on various boards positions us uniquely to understand and address these challenges. We bring a depth of knowledge in risk management, sustainable growth, financial oversight, and strategic governance, supporting business leaders and investors to confidently steer their organizations through this complex landscape.

Risk management strategies

Building resilience is key to managing the diverse risks in African agribusiness. We focus on creating systems that withstand and adapt to challenges such as logistical disruptions, political shifts and integrity risks among employees. Our approach combines information systems, redundant design, and solid contingency plans, protecting your business from various pressures. This ensures you’re prepared for anything, from key person risks to external shocks, keeping your operations agile and secure. Our strategy keeps your business delivering value, no matter what surprises come your way.

Impact strategies

Aligning growth with positive impact goes beyond your company’s immediate operations, involving the whole value chain. We specialize in identifying sustainable growth paths, leveraging collaborations with smallholder farmers, cooperatives, clients, NGOs, and governments to build a supporting ecosystem. This value chain strategy improves social and environmental outcomes while also boosting profitability. It positions your organization as a frontrunner in responsible agribusiness while unlocking premium prices for your products, attracting talent, and drawing in investors. Our approach ensures your impact strategies resonate with clients and stakeholders alike, maximizing the potential of your sustainable value chain. Read more in our deep dive on impact strategy for African agribusiness.

Board guidance

With more than a decade of experience on various boards, we’ve got the hands-on experience to offer practical guidance and complement your expertise. Joining your board, we bring fresh perspectives to the table, blending risk management, strategy development, and financial oversight with a solid grasp of what works in African agribusiness. Whether you’re steering a company or investing in one, having us alongside means tapping into deep insights that shape smart, grounded decisions, in tune with operational realities and long-term goals for making a real difference and driving growth.

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